Help for Teaching Online

From New Zealand

100 Science Activities At Home

Lisa from Murchison has produced this wonderful Google document and wants help to fill it in.
You can add experiments and activities that can be done at home and then share the doc with your colleagues and students.

Everyone is welcome to share and use these ideas. “Be creative, be inspiring……we can do this!”

Go to this link

Fun Science Activities with our own Mrs B

Have a look at these wonderful experiments that you can do at home, with links to the curriculum thrown in for teachers.

Ever Wanted to Count Penguins?

You can do so to help scientists understand what is happening in Antarctica. Go to this link

Join Darrin Mitchell for some wonderful experiments you can do at home

You can find all his experiments here.


Science in a Van

Emily & Alan for the Science in a Van team presented a daily video session on You Tube during Level 4 Lock down. They are great for teachers and students. You can see all the sessions here.

Wellington Zoo

Wellington’s Zoo has created a page of animal activities for children. Have a look here.

HeadsUp and CRESTlet from Jessie McKenzie at RSNZ

Online resources are, and will continue to be, posted on:


Fun Science – with Mr Science

Catch some Crazy Fun Science Live, On-line every day at 11:00 a.m. with Mr Science. Activities for kids of all ages. Connect to ZOOM  ( and enter 147288


NZ Geographic  – Together at Home

Use this link to check out the resources being posted daily by the team at NZ Geographic. Some wonderful ideas about New Zealand and the organisms found here.

School Kit

The hard working team at School Kit have launched the School Kit at Home Facebook Group The will be posting four times a day, as long as the shut down continues. Those that know this team are well aware they will be posting beautiful, innovative, educational content. For more resources and ideas have a look at the School Kit at Home website.

Young Ocean Explorers

Join Riley and Steve Hathaway and view their fantastic video clips and quizzes about out our oceans and the organisms that live in them. As a teacher you can sign in and create your own assignments for your class. The children can then focus on what you want them to. These are  great starters for a wide range of possible lessons. Go here

Starters and Strategies

Lesson materials and web links, plus back issues  can be found here on the website


Learning From Home – from the New Zealand Government

This website contains advice and resources for parents and whānau, teachers and leaders spanning early learning through to senior secondary to support learning at home.


Connect Journal

The stories and related resources are available online! Here are the newest 9 that went live this week: 

From the Science Learning Hub

Don’t forget to checkout all the Science Learning Hub’s resources but also have a look at the page they are sharing with us. It is a fabulous (and growing) portal to support teachers with teaching online – thanks to Te Whai Toi Tangata Institute of Professional Learning. Look here for this page, giving a wide range of tips and tools as support for all teachers.
This wonderful poem  written and presented by Dr Robert Hoare, called Fred the Thread, is one of the wonderful resources that can be found on the Science Learning Hub. Fred is a larvae of one of our native moths.

Learning science from home – Ideas to deepen learning –
Early childhood –
Lower primary –
Middle primary –
Upper primary –
Secondary –


Nanogirl’s Lab – Hands-on science at home

Join up to receive lots of experiments you can do at home.
For information and experiments related to the understanding of Covid-19 and keeping safe, have a look at these videos.

More Help for Teaching Online

The document found here has a large number of links to sites and organisations that you may find useful. Thanks to Mike Stone for compiling these.

Resources from Overseas Organisations

Primary Science Teaching Trust (from Britain)

PSTT is working with other organisations to put resource ideas together to support families and schools with things to do at home.

If you want to share on social media please use #ScienceFromHome and tag their social media accounts:
Twitter: @ScienceSparks and @pstt_whyhow
Facebook: @ScienceSparks and @primaryscienceteachingtrust
All the Science Fun at Home resources will be available to download from their website. Please visit:


Steve Spangler Science (USA)

This site has a wide range of At Home Experiments. Most do not require any specialised equipment and there are scientific explanations of what is going on.

The World Ocean Observatory  (USA) – teaching and learning from home

The World Ocean Observatory is pulling together a compendium of resources for teaching and learning about the ocean.
This list of resources is a work in progress. Some of these may be of interest to New Zealand teachers. (USA)

You can find a many live webcams, created by researchers and animal experts, on this website. Of more use to teachers and students are lesson plans to support some of these live webcams.

The Royal Institution of Australia – Education News

These resources contain topical STEM content, all mapped to the Australian National Curriculum with scientific understanding, inquiry, and human endeavour questions included. These resources help take the stress out of content planning and creation. 

Create an account to get FREE access to hundreds of STEM resources, questions and activities for students in Years 1-12.


Ideas from Earth Learning Idea

Check out the range of experiments, many of which children could do at home.


Audible (USA)

Audible has made hundreds of audio books for kids and teens free for “as long as schools are closed.” They are not requiring a sign up or login of any kind – you just go to the site and start listening. Go here to start listening.