Primary Science Week 2018

What is Your School Doing to Become Eco-Champions?

Why not showcase what you already do

or get involved in your area?


  • Cleaning up a local park area
  • Removing weeds from a local bush or stream
  • Keeping your school free of litter
  • Cleaning up the beach
  • Recycling at your school
  • Making Compost or feeding worms
  • Removing Pests from your school and surrounds

If you are already doing one or more of these

  • Communicate what you have done /found out – Infographic / Poster

If you are just starting out you can follow this scientific procedure

  • Identify the issue (what is important to your school)
  • Make and record observations and/or collect data
  • Analyse your observations, data
  • Discuss the changes and suggest permanent solutions

              – look at the Cause and Effect before and after

              – Compare and Contrast

  • Communicate what you have done, found out

             – Infographic

             – Poster

             – Display

See what schools have sent in here

Scroll down to find a range of resources, helpful websites and competitions.


Young Ocean Explorers

Have a look at this wonderful website. So many useful and useable short videos and resources. A great place to find out about our ocean environment and some of the problems our marine neighbours are facing.
If you want to know more about how to use this resource, listen to Steve Hathaway discuss it in a Science Learning Hub PLD session.

Careers in Environmental Science

If you are ever asked the question ‘what can we use this information for when we get older?’, have a look at this substantial list of careers (with explanations provided).

Investigating Marine Reserves

An integrated curriculum teaching resource with New Zealand’s marine reserves as a real-life context for learning. The resource links to the New Zealand Curriculum at levels 1-4, but can be adapted for use at various levels. It is based onDOC’s integrated inquiry learning process.  This resource has been developed in collaboration with DOC’s Marine Ecosystems team, Community Rangers, local councils, NIWA, Experiencing Marine Reserves and Marine Metre Squared.


Conservation Dogs Programme education resource

This resource is designed to support learning about conservation dogs, Predator Free 2050, biosecurity and taking conservation action in your local community. It links to the NZ Curriculum at levels 1-4, but can be adapted for use at various levels. It is also based on DOC’s integrated inquiry learning process, and links to existing resources such as Whio Forever, and the ‘In the environment’ resource series. This resource has been developed in collaboration with Ops, Partnerships, Customer Engagement, Kiwibank and Predator Free NZ Trust.


In the Waikato Region?  Here’s what is going on –

Conservation Education Webinars – a collaboration of DOC and the Science learning hub


Conservation Workshops – a collaboration between The Fairfield Project and the Science Learning Hub.

Don’t know where to get started or need a few ideas, then the place to start is the Science Learning Hub. This site has been specially prepared for you to become Eco-Champions.

No More Tips or Dumps – Exploring Modern Engineered Landfills and Energyparks
This LEARNZ field trip may be just what you want.
Ever looked closely at what you consume? How much do you know about the 5 Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and residual management?. On this 2018 field trip you will find out more about the 5 Rs when you follow Waste Management’s Auckland operations that include recycling and Redvale, New Zealand’s largest waste facility. For more information go to
We know there are a lot of Enviro Schools out there. Why not show us what you are doing or what you are really good at. Make a poster or a short video and share it with other schools.
If you want to become an Enviro School then here is a good place to start.

Keep New Zealand Beautiful (KNZB) have a website full of ideas for you to do and include contacts in your area. You can check out what they suggest here.

Look out for the wide range of useful resources from the Department of Conservation
Predator Free New Zealand is looking towards are future. Find out what you can do, on their website.
The annual Sea Week runs a range of workshops throughout the country. With support from a large number of sponsors they provide many activities to become involved with, as well as many ideas for you to try out if you are near sea. Keep up with what is happening for Sea Week this year, Saturday 3 to Sunday 11 March 2018, on their website
Become Citizen Scientists by involving your class or school in the Marine Metre Squared programme. If you are near the sea shore then this is the activity for you. All details can be found here.

The Kiwi Conservation Club (KCC) regularly provides a range of activities for primary students to get involved with. Their regular magazine provides stories and competitions. Find out the details on their website
Are you into compost or worm farming? A quick check on the internet came up with the following sites, from around the country. There are many more out there in every region.
In Auckland
From the Northland Regional Council
Julie’s Compost Shop in Nelson
Wanaka Wastebusters
Most of these sites also contain other ideas you may find useful.
Like the Northland Regional Council’s ideas for schools

From the Bay of Plenty?
The following sites may be just what you are looking for.
Envirohub Bay of Plenty have a regular Sustainable Backyards  programme. All the details can be found here.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council has ideas and resources
Live monitoring from the region can be found at this site

The Waikato Regional Council also has a website full of information and ideas on the Environment.
In Wellington? The Sustainability Trust may be able to provide some support for you. You may find something useful from their online shop or you can find out what they have to offer schools. 


Many organisations run competitions to encourage involvement in environmental issues. Links to some are listed here.
Keep New Zealand Beautiful run a Young reporters competition. All the details can be found at this link.

The Outlook for Someday Film Challenge is designed for any one under the age of 24 to produce a short film about sustainability. Their website provides all the details and past films.

Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) Litter Less Programme and Competition 2018
A competition open to 11 to 18 year olds. Competition participants  investigate and report on environmental issues relating to litter, and propose solutions by using video, photography or writing. YRE Litter Less New Zealand is a national enviro-journalism education programme that gives young people the opportunity to be part of the solution by producing creative and engaging environmental journalism. More information can be found at

Make Space for Nature

This is a Primary CREST and a KCC competition.By letting  KCC know about your native planting project for winter this year, you can be in to win up to 500 trees. When doing this you can also combine this with a Primary Crest Award. All the details can be found here

First CREST and KCC ‘s “The New Normal Project”

This is a joint First CREST and KCC ‘s project.The aim is to talk with, and record, people who remember what the waterways used to look like. Make a video to share what you have found out and to inspire others to take action to look after your water. Interested? All the details can be found here.