Questions and Answers

Have you any questions about teaching Primary Science or anything related to the NZAPSE?  Send them to [email protected] and we will find the best answers for you and publish them on this page. If you have any information that you think may be useful to answer any questions then send these through as well.
Q: What are the dates for the 2019 Primary Science Week and what is the theme?
A: Primary Science Week 2019 13 – 17 May (Term 2 Week 3). Our theme will be related to The International Year of the Periodic Table. More details can be found on this website as we get closer to the date. If you you have anything resources to share that fit in with this topic them then please let us know.
Q: What should our school have in the way of science equipment and where can I get it from?
A: When purchasing equipment for Science lessons it is important to buy things that are related to the topics that you wish to teach. By doing this you only get what you want when you need it but you are also building up a good supply of equipment that you can use again in the future. Using everyday resources is also helpful if you want to save money, things like glass jars, ice block sticks, ice cream containers, plastic spoons are always useful. Acquiring some real Science equipment is always useful and can make lessons even more exciting.
Suggestions for useful equipment for classes can be found here.
It always pay to shop around for the best price for equipment and remember sometimes paying a little more for a better quality item will mean you will only need to buy something once and will not need to replace it after being used once or twice.
Useful suppliers are listed here.