Tō tātou iwi - Our People

We are a group of passionate individuals with a wide range of experience. Our love for Science Education binds us together on our mission to support primary and intermediate kaiako across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Our committee is widespread to ensure we are able to support nationally. If you would like support or have a query, we are here to help. Please feel free to contact us and we can connect you with the right resources or relevant people.

Carol B

Carol Brieseman - National Coordinator (Wellington)

Carol is a primary teacher with over 30 years' experience. Participating in the Royal Society Science Teaching leadership programme (2012) reignited a passion for science and resulted in becoming a recipient of the Alumni Award (2014) and Prime Minister’s Science Teacher Award (2018). Keen on integrating Science across the curriculum Carol has most recently been a PLD Facilitator with House of Science.

Sandra J

Sandra Jackson - Immediate Past Coordinator (Auckland)

Sandy has been teaching Science for many years, first as at the Secondary level and then Primary. She has taught Science from Year 3 to Year 8 at King's School in Auckland over the last 25 years. She believes that all students should be introduced to Science at an early age and is passionate about helping teachers achieve this.

Steven S

Steven Sexton - Secretary (Otago)

Steven Sexton is a primary teacher who now works for the University of Otago's College of Education. He works with both classroom teachers and student teachers in primary science for Years NE-10. He has published in science education with an emphasis on relevant, useful, and meaningful science in the classroom.

Greta D

Greta Dromgool (Waikato)

Greta is an experienced science educator who has trained and worked in Early Childhood through to Tertiary. She currently provides professional learning development through Pokapū Akoranga Pūtaiao – Science Learning Hub. Greta also represents the Primary Sector as part of the NZASE executive.

Dianne C

Dianne Christenson (Wairarapa)

Dianne had careers as a geologist and a farmer before retraining and teaching in Wellington and the Wairarapa. Dianne completed the Royal Society Science Leadership programme in 2015 and was awarded the Prime Ministers Science Teacher Prize in 2016. Dianne is interested in integrated learning with a science focus and incorporating citizen science and hands on experiences for all learners.

John M

John Marsh (Tauranga)

"I have been a science specialist at Tauranga Intermediate School for very many years and was one of the inaugural committee members of NZAPSE. I have undertaken many workshops on science teaching over the years. Supporting teachers with their science journey is a passion of mine and fully embrace being a science nerd."

Lauren P

Lauren Pugh (Canterbury)

Previously a primary educator, Lauren has always had a passion for Science and Technology - particularly the integration of subjects to deepen understanding for learners. Her approach emphasizes curiosity, creativity, and a focus on real results over fluff. Lauren is currently the CEO of Science Alive Charitable Trust.

Heather G

Heather Goodey (Auckland)

Heather has been teaching Science for over 20 years. Initially a High School chemistry teacher she is passionate about junior science recently moving to Intermediate and Primary Science teaching. She is committed to supporting Science education at all levels. She also claims Science has all the best toys! In her down time she is busy with family, learning te reo or involved in local conservation projects.

Sarah J

Sarah Johns (Nelson)

"Cheesy, but I see science everywhere and in everything. It’s intuitive and can be cultivated! With 26 years of experience as an inquisitive Science teacher, and four years as a STEAM Leader, I have developed a deep understanding of project-based pedagogy and its powerful impact on student learning. I love thinking big with others, then distilling those ideas into exciting and meaningful learning experiences for our rangatahi."

Ben L

Ben Laybourn (Wellington)

Ben is an Educational consultant working in Science, Maths and effective pedagogy, with a strong focus on formative practice. Currently working for Evaluation Associates Ltd. Ben has been involved in science education for  twenty-two years and loves the impact we can have in primary education to ignite interest in Science.

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